Thursday, December 27, 2012

File to File in iSM

This post helps iWay beginners to learn how-to develop a simple File-to-File channel on iWay Service Manager.

Entities Involved:

iWay Service Manager 6.1.4
iWay File Listener

Key Words & Extensions:

.dat [data], iSM [iWay Service Manager];


Understanding of EAI;
iWay SM pre-installed & ready for use;


There are three sections that covers this scenario:

Section-1: Create reference objects & link to a new Channel;
Section-2: Build & Deploy Channel;
Section-3: Test the Channel;



Create a listener object by navigating to iSM [usually in http://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/ism] -> Registry -> Listeners and click ‘Add’ as in screen below:

And choose File from the list on the next screen:

fill in file listener properties:

Ensure that the auto-parsing of incoming data is disabled:

Create a Inlet [name: Inlet_001] and establish a reference to the listener as in screen below:

At this time, we don’t intend to learn how to build a business logic for this scenario. Hence, let us see how-to create a pass through scenario now.

Create a new Service [under Registry->Components] and select ‘Move Agent’ from the list and we name it as ‘Move_001’, as in screen below:

Create a new Process [A_Process] and establish reference to ‘Move_001’, as in screen below:

Create a new Route [A_Route] and establish reference to Process [A_Process] we created in previous step:

Create an emitter object and link it to an Outlet to save the output file to a physical location in the disk:

Create a new Channel and link all objects we created above, as in screen below:

Configuration section is completed now.


Hit the Build button seen in the Channel configuration, as in screen above and verify the output screen as below:

To deploy a channel, navigate to iSM -> Deployment -> Management -> Channels. Click Deploy button. In the next screen, choose your channel to be deployed from the list and hit deploy.

Post-Deployment, you’ll see the channel with the green tick marks. One indicates the channel active status and second indicates the auto-restart facility. The channel active status in green tick indicates that the channel has been started successfully.

Section-3: Test the channel.

Place a file [with .DAT extension] onto source folder. If the processing is successful, the channel messages stat will take a change.
Column one indicates, number of messages being processed;
Column two indicates, total number of messages processed completely;
Column three indicates, number of messages processed successfully;
Column four indicates, number of messages failed;

And verify the output file in the target directory:

Wasn’t that simple? We’ll continue the lesson with another simple scenario soon…

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