Thursday, February 27, 2014

How-to: Create a New Managed Server

Creation of a new Managed Server in iWay Service Manager is quite simple and is possible in two different ways. And they are:
  • Via Command prompt
  • Via iSM's Systems Tray Utility
iWay Service Manager - Management Section
Section to create a new managed server
First of all, lets create a new entry in Management section of iWay Web Console which will look like this:

Once this is created, follow one of the following two options to install a Windows Service to manage start-up of the managed server.

Via Command Prompt:
  • Lanuch Windows Command Prompt; [ ΓΏ + R - CMD [Run as Admin] ]
  • Navigate to the bin folder under root folder of iSM; [<iWay_root>/bin]
  • Type the following command to install a new Windows Service:
    • iwsrv.exe <NEW_MANAGED_SERVER_NAME> -s install -l iWay61.cmd
    • where -l is a swtich to indicate the service which JVM should it use for its execution;
Via iWay Systems Tray Utility:

Find an iSM icon in the systems tray and launch it by double clicking on it. Use the tool to create a new entry which is pretty self-explanatory. Choose the process type as Out-of-process 64 bit and your desired executable Java. The utility looks like what is seen in the image below.

and if iSM icon is visible in Systems tray, it may have not been started up. To start it up, just launch Windows explorer, navigate to the bin folder under root folder of iSM and launch "iwsystray.exe" file. Note: This utility may not be available on iSMs 5.5 or 6.0.X.

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